Spiritual Fitness…
For your Personal Happiness, Professional Success, and overall Satisfaction in Life
Hi, I’m Paul Rakowicz, founder and creator of a unique personal development program consisting of coaching services, books, & courses, all designed to ensure, whatever your personal or professional calling, that you’re building your success on solid ground.
Welcome! I can’t wait to meet you!

What goes into my unique Spiritual Fitness training?–1) Vocal Coaching for Speakers – Unlock a life of greater influence,confidence, and connection to your listeners, by training your speaking voice2) Christian Life Coaching – embrace a more positive understanding of the world
1) Vocal Coaching for Speakers
NOTE: This vocal coaching is to improve your speaking skills. It’s not singing lessons. You don’t need to be able to sing, carry a tune, or really be musical at all to become a better speaker through this coaching…
Helping Professionals who want to communicate more effectively in all areas of life.
I’m a vocal coach for speakers. I teach people how to intuitively leverage their vocal qualities – pitch, pace, tone, volume, etc. – to improve their personal and professional communication skills.
I help people expand their notion of ‘speaking’ beyond mere words and into the realm of emotional connectedness with their audience through mastery of such things (which is where 90% of your meaning and influence is transmitted).
Training your speaking voice in this way creates a positive domino effect in just about every area of your life because all your conversations become more meaningful and influential; and, as an added bonus for your own sense-of-self, such training naturally develops in you a happy, humble confidence.
As you learn to speak with purpose—by training your voice ‘beyond mere words’ with my proven RLMC certified method—you’ll unlock greater influence, emotional connection, and confidence in every conversation and presentation. Both personal and professional.
Bottom Line: Your speaking voice is central to who you are; so be intentional about training it and letting your unique voice shine!
Listen to Dr. Kevin’s incredible results after just his first couple of lessons…
Schedule a free Discovery Call to learn more by sending an email to paul@rakowicz.com,
please put “Vocal Coaching” in the subject line.
Here’s Roger Love, my personal voice coach, to also share some of the benefits you’ll receive…
Schedule a free Discovery Call to learn more by sending an email to paul@rakowicz.com,
please put “Vocal Coaching” in the subject line.
2) Christian Life Coaching
embrace a more positive understanding of the world
With the following options I bring to bear two thousand years of teaching from the saints, collated and systematized to bring you the best-of-the-best from all the denominations. Restoring what’s been lost while avoiding errors both old and new.
Podcast – FREE
My podcast provides regular training that helps you make a mindset shift and develop a more positive understanding of the world.
To Listen Click Here..
Free your mind by following ‘The Created Order’ Podcast as each new episode helps you develop your understanding of the Universal Restoration Christ Jesus accomplished some 2000 years ago, shifting your mindset from a ‘fallen world’ to the ‘Kingdom of Heaven on earth’.
Enabling you to fully embrace whatever your calling is in this life.
Enjoy each new episode as you draw closer to the Creator Himself, by understanding the order of His creation, and learn to live at peace within His created order.
The ‘Faith-Without-Confusion’ Online Course
Enroll by Clicking Here..
This course strengthens your Foundation for personal happiness, professional success, and overall satisfaction in life, by providing you clarity on the world Jesus built—the Kingdom of Heaven on earth—of which you are a part.
Not a ‘fallen’ world, nor a world waiting for some cataclysmic apocalyptic end, which is just depressing.
No, this course will lift you up by connecting you to the Universal Restoration Christ Jesus accomplished some 2000 years ago, freeing your mind to fully embrace whatever your calling in this life is.
The ‘Making-It-Real’ Daily Training Program
Daily training to develop your mental skills that enable you to modulate your emotions through discernment, leading to clarity, focus, and outstanding perseverance.
Let’s Get Started!
Make it your best year ever by shifting your mindset into the Universal Restoration Christ Jesus accomplished some 2000 years ago while you gain control of your emotions through this program.
It’s simple to do, just subscribe to my ‘Making-It-Real’ Daily Training Program… and you’re on your way! There’s no better time to invest in yourself!
What you can expect after subscribing:
It’s easy! All the hard work’s been done for you!
Just click the ‘Start Your Training’ link, join today, then follow along.
Nothing could be easier
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Keep Updated and Stay Connected
Jesus, Politics, And Mutiny! How To Overcome The Mutiny Of Evil
To rightly respond to the turmoil in America today read Paul’s book ‘Jesus, Politics, And Mutiny!’
When you read my latest book, published August 23, 2020, you’ll come to understand the political implications of Jesus’ teachings.
1) So you can always be creating/maintaining a godly political state in America, and
2) Continuously be overcoming the ongoing mutiny of evil against God’s created order
Does Jesus tell us what form of government He prefers?
Of course!
In the pages of this book, you’ll learn what it is (it’s not a theocracy) … and everything else you need to know to overcome the mutiny of evil in your present generation.
As Noah Webster once wrote in the preface to his 1828 Dictionary:
“In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed…. No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.”
Webster added elsewhere:
“It is the sincere desire of the writer that our citizens should early understand that the genuine source of correct republican principles is the Bible, particularly the New Testament or the Christian Religion.”
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The Pearl: The Captivating Story of the Wondrous Love of God
To help build your foundation read Paul’s book ‘The Pearl’.
Book One of the Paul’s Primers series provides the “origins” story of human kind. This is the foundation for your going beyond “mere salvation” into the fullness of the Kingdom.
In the book we cover the first three chapters of Genesis in detail. And the three main characters of our Christian faith: the Angels, God, and Mankind. Doing all of this in a unique, multi-denominational way—through the light of the finished work of Christ on the Cross.
Understanding in this way how both the human race and the whole universe came to be—its creation, fall/captivity, and victorious regeneration through the Cross including the Harrowing of Hell—is the foundation you need for understanding your purpose. Your purpose not only in this life, but also in that life beyond the bounds of time.
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A Portrait of Christ: Drawn From A Study Of The Apostle Paul’s Letter To The Hebrews
To help build your foundation read Paul’s book ‘A Portrait of Christ’.
Book Three of the Paul’s Primers series will melt your heart as you come to understand the depth of all that Jesus truly did for you on the Cross. This elevating of Christ in your heart and mind will connect you with the Lord more deeply than ever before and ensure your patient endurance in going beyond “mere salvation” into the fullness of the Kingdom.
In the book we cover the Apostle Paul’s Letter to the Hebrews in our usual, unique, multi-denominational way—demonstrating its true nature as a love letter from the Apostle Paul to all the Hebrews of his, and every proceeding, generation.
You will be amazed as you come to see how at the Cross Jesus—Himself the High Priest after the order of Melchizedek, the Temple, and the Sacrifice—entered into the inner sanctuary of the New Covenant Temple (His immolated body) and fulfilled His earthly ministry, providing redemption for mankind for all eternity. Then, to confirm the sacrifice had been accepted, came forth out of that inner sanctuary with the words “It is finished.” Descending into Hell to immediately free the captive saints, fulfill the Millennium on Holy Saturday, raise His physical body from the dead as the crowning proof of His victory, then ascend into Heaven to rule and reign from the Throne of God.
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The Virtuous Life: God’s First And Great Commandment
To help build your foundation read Paul’s book ‘The Virtuous Life’.
Book Two of the Paul’s Primers series teaches you how to grow in the four cardinal virtues of discernment, self-control, courage, and right judgment. These four cardinal virtues are the means by which you will actively apply our Lord’s teachings as you journey beyond “mere salvation” into the fullness of the Kingdom.
In the book we cover these virtues in our unique, multi-denominational way—demonstrating how they represent the means by which you can actively love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself.
Understanding your calling unto the “virtuous life” in this way is how you become partakers of the divine nature, and keep yourself from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire. Indeed, if these qualities of the four cardinal virtues are yours, and are always increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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Request Coach, Author, and Podcaster Paul Rakowicz for a Media Appearance or Speaking Engagement
I am honored and very much enjoy being a guest on various shows and am accustomed to media outlets such as TV, Radio, Podcasts, Webinars, quotes for Blogs, articles, and books, etc. As well if you are looking for someone to speak at your event, particularly about some of the following, please reach out to me:
To inquire about a Media Appearance or Speaking Engagement, send an email to paul@rakowicz.com and please put “media appearance / speaking engagement” in the subject line.
Additional Resources
When God Spoke Greek: The Septuagint and the Making of the Christian Bible – by Timothy Michael Law
Author: Timothy Michael Law (paperback / Kindle / Audible)
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How did the New Testament writers and the earliest Christians come to adopt the Greek scriptures as their first Old Testament? And why are our modern Bibles related more to the Rabbinic Hebrew Bible than to the Greek Bible of the early Church?
The Septuagint, the name given to the translation of the Hebrew scriptures between the third century BC and the second century AD, played a central role in the Bible’s history. Many of the Hebrew scriptures were still evolving when they were translated into Greek, and these Greek translations, along with several new Greek writings, became Holy Scripture in the early Church.
Yet, gradually the Septuagint lost its place at the heart of Western Christianity. At the end of the fourth century, one of antiquity’s brightest minds rejected the Septuagint in favor of the Bible of the rabbis. After Jerome, the Septuagint never regained the position it once had. Timothy Michael Law recounts the story of the Septuagint’s origins, its relationship to the Hebrew Bible, and the adoption and abandonment of the first Christian Old Testament.