Nowadays, it’s becoming more and more “popular” to think “less and less” of that great faith of ours, Christianity. And of its central symbol, Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.
In fact, many are being led in ways that cause them to be thinking to themselves, “Why would anyone choose to believe in a “God” who would murder his own son on a Cross.”
They are getting confused and seem to be saying to themselves, and others, that this just makes no sense.
Yet as true disciples of Christ, we can come to know better…
You can, and through this program, you will, come to know that it wasn’t God that killed Jesus on the Cross, no. But, instead, with the Cross … it was man who sought to kill God.
And from this simple truth you can come to have great insight.
For instance, what was God’s response to such mutiny?
Was it revenge?
Was it vengeance?
Or was it something else altogether?
Yes, something else altogether, that’s it…
You see, instead of judgment, God used man’s attempt to destroy their Creator … to save them from themselves. To heal them from their sins. To free them from their captivity.
And this understanding of God’s response to the Cross, well, it is / will become the foundation of who we are as disciples of Christ.
And think about its impact on your life, this marvelous understanding of the Cross. For this one simple thought turns us from judgmental fools, into instant healers. Healers of the soul’s of men.
This profound truth leads us to follow the example of the author and finisher of our faith, never seeking revenge, or to inflict judgment and its accompanying punishment.
But instead, to always act as did our Master, as a healer, and so saving us from ourselves. From our own self-imposed trials and tribulations through the various mistakes and mis-steps we will inevitably make. Sometimes, simply from the difficult circumstances that seem to ever be finding us in this earthly life, often through no fault of our own.
And as we do this, as our Lord taught us through his life and ministry, we’ll always leave ourselves feeling better after having thought and prayed things through. And leave others feeling better as well, as we remind them of the wonderful grace of Jesus.
You see, if you think about it, this will lead us to one of the most practical APPRECIATIONS of our faith that you can ever find.
And one of the most practical APPLICATIONS of our faith in the daily life of a believer, as well, that you’ll ever find.
You can get started working my Essential Spiritual Fitness Program by subscribing to the Making-It-Real service by clicking the following link:
You can further your growth using my Essential Spiritual Fitness Program by enrolling in my Faith-Without-Confusion Online Course by clicking the following link:
God Bless!
Coach Paul
‘Feel, Do, and Be Better!‘