The Passion
Today let’s continue our series on “doctrine” as we make our way through the essentials of our faith.
And yes, it’s true. When you gain clarity — by getting a clearer picture in your head about the doctrines of our faith — you’re better able to receive and apply Christ’s teachings.
This, then, helps you grow and further build within yourself the character, and calm quiet confidence, of Christ.
And more and more transform your life through Scripture.
Helping you find real answers to your real questions for your real problems in life.
OK, now remember, in our last email we covered “Christ’s Birth and Conception”.
Today let’s think a little bit about Christ’s passion. A most stunning love demonstrated by God, for man, on the Cross. A love you can learn more about in my book “A Portrait of Christ“; you can get a copy at Amazon by clicking the linked book title.
To make it easy, let’s put this into the form of a little “creed”. Some “I believe” type statements.
Here we go:
Who, then, after His ministry and for the Kingdom of God according to His own eternal plan to lift men high above all creation, and to undo the works of the devil which led to the Fall of mankind through the sin of Adam, whose Ancestral Sin did cause the soul’s of our race to be held prisoner by Satan in the darkness of Hell,
Suffered under Pontius Pilate.
And was crucified, dead, and buried, through this completing every last jot and tittle of the Law as He, fulfilling His priestly work in the inner temple, fulfilled through His Passion the Feast of Passover, along with the full requirements of the blood atonement as foreshadowed in the events surrounding the Day of Atonement including the entrance into the Holy of Holies, the sprinkling of the blood on the Mercy Seat, and the exit from the Most Holy Place, all confirmed in the great cry “It is finished!” and the tearing of the veil from the top to the bottom at His death on the Cross.
All of this is to say that He made there, on the Cross, by His one oblation of Himself once offered in the Most Holy Place of the New Testament temple, which was and is His immolated body, a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction for the sins of the whole world.
OK, that’s a little bit about the Passion of Christ.
Now, when thinking of this, consider its power.
Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross in the New Testament temple did not only fulfill the Passover sacrifice, but also:
* The daily morning and evening sacrifices
* The weekly sabbath sacrifices
* The monthly feast day sacrifices
* All the annual feast day sacrifices INCLUDING the full cultus of the Day of Atonement, and
* All the other assorted sacrifices associated with the levitical priesthood
That’s why Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross is described as the “once and for all” sacrifice of the Melchizedek priesthood.
OK, that may be some new information for many of you!
But don’t worry. If you have any questions about this let me know. All you have to do is leave a comment and include your questions and I’ll respond as soon as I can.
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God Bless!
Coach Paul
‘Feel, Do, and Be Better!‘