The New Testament teaches us to be holy.

As you follow this teaching…

Seek not holiness in order to be righteous. Instead, because Christ has made you right before God, seek to make all that you do holy.

For remember…

It isn’t that we do works to be holy. It’s that we are as we should be in Christ which makes holy all that we do.

I am helped in “holiness” by always keeping in mind…

That grace by faith alone is first. This is, and always will be, associated with that free gift of Christ through the Cross.

It is then this free gift which leads me, by changing my very nature, to naturally desire to walk with Christ more and more.

Which then makes even the most mundane things I do each day, holy.

As we’ve noted before…

For those of us who are saved, and are committed to amending our ways. We are those committed to holiness. To conforming our lives to the life Christ so perfectly modeled during His earthly ministry.

The very thing we help you do here with my Essential Spiritual Fitness Program.

Provide the ways and means for entering into holiness through the mysteries of God, the Gospel, and Creation.

Centered on the revelation of Christ. The manifestation of God among men.

What we sometimes call “Training through The Mysteries of God in Christ.”


You can get started working my Essential Spiritual Fitness Program by subscribing to the Making-It-Real service by clicking the following link:


You can further your growth using my Essential Spiritual Fitness Program by enrolling in my Faith-Without-Confusion Online Course by clicking the following link:



God Bless!

Coach Paul
Feel, Do, and Be Better!

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